Archives for Seated Row

Tuesday Workout


  • 10mins Spin Bike
  • 20 x Shoulder Press
  • 20 x Lat Pull Down
  • 20 x Dips
  • 20 x Bicep Curl
  • 20 x Push Ups
  • 20 x Seated Row
  • 20 x Deep Squats
  • 20 x Crunches

4 times through

10mins Spin Bike

Monday Workout


5 x 8reps Seated Row @ BW + 20 Push Ups
5 x 8reps Shoulder Press @ 50kg + 8 Upright Row @ 40kg
5 x 8reps DB Bicep Curls @ 24kg + Around the Worlds @ 20kg
5 x 8reps Insteps + 8 Swing Dips

Tuesday Workout



100 x Seated Row @ 80kg
100 x Box Jumps
100 x Bench Press @ 80kg
100 x Kettlebell Snatch @ 24kg

Tuesday Workout

6 x 6 Insteps
4 x 50 Weighted Crunch @ 20kg
4 x 15 Bench Press @ 100kg
4 x 15 Seated Row @ 100kg
4 x 15 Shoulder Press @ 50kg
2km Row


These free workouts have been compiled by our Personal Trainers for you to use at home, in the gym or at the park to help you improve your personal fitness (our Personal Trainers also complete each workout prior to posting).


Monday Workout

6 x 6 Insteps
4 x 50 Weighted Crunch @ 20kg
4 x 15 Bench Press @ 100kg
4 x 15 Seated Row @ 100kg
4 x 15 Shoulder Press @ 50kg
2km Row


These free workouts have been compiled by our Personal Trainers for you to use at home, in the gym or at the park to help you improve your personal fitness (our Personal Trainers also complete each workout prior to posting).
